
Reading Tutors

If you are interested in serving as a reading tutor in your area, please visit the BCSCR tutoring website at http://tutoring.3riversed.org.

Regional Coordinator: San Luis Valley, Colorado

The Three Rivers Education Foundation is seeking a regional coordinator to serve schools and communities in southern colorado, San Luis Valley region. To apply, submit the following items to Dr. Linda Coy, project director, at the address below.

Submission Documents

  • Letter of Interest
  • Resume
  • Application (below)
  • Background check (clear, recent within 2 years)
  • Higher Education transcripts (unofficial)
  • Copies of relevant credentials

Submit the application items to

Dr. Coy, BCSCR Project Director
Three Rivers Education Foundation
501 Airport Dr., Ste 209
Farmington, NM 87401

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